Tag Archives: custom software solutions

Overcome Software Pain Points With a Custom Solution | Modest Software Development

Overcome Pain Points With Custom Business Software

Imagine the following scenario: a company has been using the same legacy business software for more than 20 years. It is no longer keeping up, so Mike is given the task of finding an adequate replacement. His biggest problem is the many software pain points his colleagues complain about. And since new software means new pain points, he is stifled in his search.

Does this scenario sound familiar? Have you ever found yourself in a similar position? Pain points are one of the biggest hurdles to adopting new business management software. Too many pain points can stop you in your tracks. It is easy to find yourself so afraid of adopting new software that you never actually do. Meanwhile, your legacy software continues to be more of a burden and less of a helpful tool.

5 of the More Common Pain Points

There are as many software pain points as there are business software developers. Pain points come in all shapes and sizes. Below are five of the more common ones we have encountered as a custom software development firm. Perhaps you are familiar with them.

1. Compatibility

Rarely do companies rely on a single piece of business management software to run everything. Rather, multiple software solutions are employed. This creates a problem when it’s time to upgrade or replace – new software isn’t necessarily compatible with the other packages a company is using. Sometimes new software is not compatible with a company’s current business or workflow.

2. Software Bloat

Software bloat can be a pain point on multiple levels. First, bloat can make new software too overwhelming for users to learn. Second, companies pay for bloat. A company could spend a lot of money on a bloated piece of software filled with features that will never be used.

3. Missing Features

The other side of the bloat problem is business management software lacking critical features. Missing features do not help people get their work done. Meanwhile, the IT team needs to spend a lot of time creating workarounds.

4. Lack of Support

Off-the-shelf business software rarely comes with the kind of support businesses need. Without proper support, a piece of software can become a real nightmare. Have you been there?

5. Price and Value

Shopping for new business software makes one realize just how expensive running a business can be. Price is a big pain point. In addition, a perceived lack of value makes the pain point hurt even more. If you feel like you are paying too much and not getting enough in return, you may be reluctant to buy new software in the future.

Custom Software Is the Answer

It is not possible to eliminate every pain point that comes with business software. Pain points are a normal part of the equation. But there is a way to minimize them: a custom software solution from a company committed to developing packages around how you already do business.

Custom business software can have its own pain points. Here at Modest, we limit the pain points by learning your business. We learn what you do, how you do it, and whether you think you can do it better. Then we design software to fit your unique needs. You get nothing more and nothing less.

Every software package we develop comes with our full support. We will answer your questions, help you troubleshoot problems, and even teach you how to use your new software. We do what we do because we believe in the power of customized business solutions. If pain points are keeping you from upgrading your software, let us talk.

Harnessing Custom Business Software to Drive Innovation | Modest Software Development

Harnessing Custom Business Software to Drive Innovation

Modern companies are not afraid to tell their customers just how innovative they are. Meanwhile, management routinely talks about innovation during team meetings, collaboration sessions, and training sessions. Here at Modest, we believe in innovation, too. So much so that we also believe companies can harness custom business software to drive their innovation.

Software is part and parcel of modern business. No one does paper anymore. Everything is electronic, digital, and computer based. Therefore, business software forms the foundation of everything a company does. A company trying to be innovative without software capable of supporting innovation is not going to get far.

Off-the-Shelf vs. Custom Business Software

The developers behind off-the-shelf business software do their best to innovate. Yet off-the-shelf software has one major flaw: it is designed to appeal to the broadest possible customer base. That might be good for them in the sense of being able to sell a lot of licenses, but it is not good for their customers.

Custom software goes way beyond automation. It goes beyond the basics like connectivity, file sharing, and group collaboration spaces. Custom business software is designed to solve very specific problems – with direct solutions rather than workarounds. It can be designed to capture unique data points or give a company an edge over its competitors with features not found in off-the-shelf solutions.

A Tailored Solution

By its nature, custom business software is a tailored solution. We take that concept one step further by making it our business to learn and understand yours. We take the tailored solution concept to its logical conclusion by designing software around how your company does business. You tell us what you do and how you do it; we create software to make it happen.

A big advantage of tailoring each solution to the customer is winding up with a package that contains only the required features and nothing more. You are not saddled with bloated software loaded with features you will never use. You also don’t have to find workarounds for missing features.

Automation and Data Capture

Business management software is made better when automation is built in. Let’s face it, there are some routine and basic business tasks that don’t really require human intervention. They can be automated through a custom business software solution. Automation frees employees to do more important things. Your team has more time to innovate because it is not spending time on mundane tasks.

Along with automation is customized data capture. This is where some of the most exciting innovations are born. We write software that can capture as little or as much data as you want. You and your management team can then figure out how to use that data to the company’s advantage. You supply the metrics; we will find a way to capture them in your business software.

You Maintain Control

The secret to using business software to drive innovation is maintaining control over the software environment. Rather than your company’s business software being in control, you and your team members are running the show. You use your custom business software as a tool for doing whatever it is you do best. And because the software is customized to your current workflow and practices, it pushes you forward rather than pulling you back.

Innovation is critical to moving forward in modern business. If your company is lacking in innovation, could it be that your business software is holding you back? The possibility is worth considering. In the meantime, reach out to Modest and let us show you how custom business software can help drive innovation within your company.

Unique Businesses Often Need Custom Software | Modest Dev

Unique Businesses Often Need Custom Software

Clients are motivated by all sorts of things when they come to Modest in search of custom business software. A motivation we hear a lot is the need for software that adapts to an unconventional business. And we know from experience that there are a lot of unconventional businesses out there.

It is not unusual for us to work with companies whose businesses are unconventional that nothing off-the-shelf even comes close to meeting current needs. They come looking for custom business software because they have exhausted the workarounds they have been applying to their off-the-shelf software. Tired of the workarounds, they want something made just for them.

Managing the Chaos

One of our clients operates a very unique business in the Salt Lake City area. Without getting into the details, her business is set up in such a way that tasks are passed from one party to another similar to how relay race runners pass a baton. Prior to coming to us for custom business software, the business owner felt like she was barely managing the chaos created by her off-the-shelf product.

We fully understand such thinking. We have come alongside more than one client working so hard to overcome the limitations of off-the-shelf software that the work environment could be described as nothing less than chaotic. That’s generally the case when unconventional businesses attempt to adapt to conventional software.

One of our goals is to bring an end to the chaos. We don’t want to simply manage it; we want to eliminate it. We do so based on the foundational principle of giving clients only what they need and nothing more. We accomplish it by starting with basic modules that function as building blocks for a custom software package.

An Affordable Way to Build

Our development process revolves around software modules for several reasons, the first being that it is a more affordable way to build custom business software. We don’t want our clients to have to exhaust their finances to get a good software product. We want them to be able to afford what we build. The module model allows for that.

Starting with modules also allows us to build in customized functions in shorter amounts of time. The foundation for each and every function already exists within the modules. We just need to modify it to meet the needs of the client. And when you are running an unconventional business, plenty of modifications are likely needed.

Still another advantage of the module model is built-in scalability. As a company grows, we do not have to reinvent the wheel to keep their software going. We simply adapt what is already working to accommodate a larger number of users.

The Best Way to Meet Unique Needs

We think it is safe to say that the best way to meet unique needs in terms of business software is to invest in custom software development. Yet there is a considerable barrier to overcome: cost. Custom software development is not always cheap.

We are very cognizant of budgetary concerns. Once again, that is why we utilize the module approach. We are firmly committed to the idea that clients can have customized software uniquely designed around their processes and workflows without spending a small fortune.

If you run an unconventional business for which off-the-shelf software is insufficient, we invite you to learn more about custom business software built on modules. We would love the opportunity to demonstrate how the Modest approach can lead to software perfectly tailored to your business at a cost that fits into your technology budget. We hope you will give us that opportunity. Contact us today to learn how we can build a custom software that best suits your business.

Overcoming the Custom Software Learning Curve | Modest Dev

New Software for Small Business Overcoming the Learning Curve

Custom software for small businesses is what we specialize in. And here at Modest, we do our absolute best to give each client exactly what is needed. We get to know our clients’ businesses so that we can develop software that easily adapts to how they do things. Even so, the learning curve that comes with new software cannot be avoided.

Employees still need to learn how to use new software. They still need to learn how to navigate, how to complete basic tasks, and even how to troubleshoot to some extent. Learning all this information takes time. In software development, the amount of time and effort required is represented by the learning curve.

We Face It, Too

Before going on to explain how your organization can overcome the learning curve that comes with new software, we want you to know that we face the learning curve, too. We need to deal with it in relation to the technologies and tools we use to create custom business software.

Whenever a new technology merges, we need to learn how to use it. Likewise for new software development tools. You could say that our developers are in a constant state of education given the fact that our industry is evolving so rapidly. The main takeaway here is that we understand the learning curve. We feel your pain. That’s why we try to align software to a client’s workflow as much as possible.

Minimizing the Learning Curve

It is our position that the key to overcoming business software’s learning curve is to minimize it as much as possible. The shorter and less steep the learning curve is, the more quickly employees get beyond learning to return to maximum productivity. Here are some suggestions for doing just that:

1. Map Routine Tasks

You can help your software developers create better software by mapping the routine tasks your employees normally do on the computer. By mapping, we mean writing down the steps they take to complete a given task.

For example, how does a sales executive translate digital data into printed reports? Mapping all those steps provides information a software developer could use to make the process as simple and efficient as possible.

2. Ask for Feedback

During the early stages of software design, ask employees for feedback regarding your current software. Find out what they like and dislike about the package. Ask for any suggestions they might have for improving workflow. With that information, your developers will be better able to create custom business software that maximizes intuitiveness while simultaneously minimizing the need to learn new workflows.

3. Incentivize the Learning Process

Having to learn new software is unavoidable. Some amount of learning is always required. However, an innovative approach some companies are now beginning to look at is applying gamification to learning new business software.

Gamification is literally applying game-playing principles to incentivize the learning process. A good example would be sending employees through a series of learning modules followed by a quick review and on-screen test. Employees can compete for the highest test scores.

4. Leverage Demonstrations

Finally, do not rely exclusively on written documents to train employees. It is better to leverage hands-on demonstrations that encourage employees to walk through routine tasks with the help of an experienced trainer. Live demonstrations beat static training documents any day.

Choose Modest as your developer for custom business software and we can promise you will get software designed around your current workflows. We will also collaborate with you to overcome the learning curve that comes with new business software. Contact us to learn how we can build a custom software that suits your business

Why if It Ain't Broke Doesn't Apply to Business Software | Modest Software Development

Why ‘If It Ain’t Broke’ Doesn’t Apply to Business Software

There is an old adage that says, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. It has been our experience that a lot of companies apply the principle to their business management software. We think that this is a mistake. Just because a company’s business software is working as intended doesn’t mean it is achieving the best possible results. We believe the most efficient and compatible software is a custom business software that addresses a client’s specific needs and requirements.

In business, results are everything. How a company achieves its stated goals matters. And sometimes, when goals are achieved through old and outdated software that no longer meets modern standards, inefficiency impacts the bottom line without management thinking twice about it. That is a mistake. What’s the solution? Custom business software.

The Horse Wasn’t Broken

Not wanting to replace things that aren’t broken is understandable. Upgrades can be time-consuming and expensive. They can also come with pretty steep learning curves. But imagine if we followed the ‘if it ain’t broke’ philosophy across the board. We wouldn’t be driving cars today.

The horse wasn’t broken when engineers first started working on cars powered by steam engines. For centuries, the horse proved a reliable form of transportation. So why design cars? Because they represented a better way to do things. Cars are faster. They can carry heavy loads. They do not need rest, medical attention, or tons of food.

Just as the car was a total upgrade from the horse, custom business software is an upgrade from that old, outdated system your company is still using. Maybe your old business software still functions the way it’s supposed to. But could it function better? Could it be leaner, meaner, and more efficient?

Nothing to Be Afraid Of

It is not unusual for business owners and managers to fear embracing new software packages because they don’t know what to expect. And yet there is nothing to be afraid of – as long as you team up with a custom software developer with a proven track record and a genuine interest in creating software around your needs. That is what we do here at Modest.

The whole point of going with custom business software is getting a package that fits the way you already do business. By contrast, off-the-shelf packages are designed around generic business needs. You get some of the features you want but not all. You also get plenty of bloat. In a best-case scenario, you need to apply multiple workarounds to maximize the effectiveness of that software.

When you go the custom route, all the negatives that come with off-the-shelf solutions are pretty much nonexistent. You get exactly what you need and none of what you don’t want. You also get business software that works the way you work.

Maximize Efficiency and Productivity with Custom Business Software

Perhaps your old and outdated business software isn’t broken. Maybe it works just fine. But where does it stand in terms of efficiency and productivity? There may be better ways to do things. There might be a way to boost efficiency and productivity with custom business software that fully integrates with all your systems.

Imagine business management software with built-in automation capabilities. Imagine a package that integrates with accounting, HR, etc. It is not just a dream. Custom business software at an affordable price can be reality.

As a company that specializes in software development services, Modest is all about custom business software. We invite you to contact us to learn more about our approach to building business packages. We will get to know your company and how you do business. Then we will build a package perfectly suited to your needs. Best of all, we won’t bust your budget.

The Pitfalls of Per User Pricing in SaaS Are Very Real | Modest Development

The Pitfalls of Per User Pricing in SaaS Are Very Real

One of the hallmarks of the Modest software model is allowing unlimited users. We believe that this is the best approach to software-as-a-service (SaaS) pricing. But let’s be real. There are plenty of software developers that still rely on the per user pricing model. That’s fine. To each their own, as they say.

We have chosen to avoid the per-user model because of its inherent pitfalls. We think unlimited users is a better way to go. Allow us to explain why. If you disagree, that’s okay. There is plenty of room for all sorts of pricing models in SaaS.

Pitfall #1: Free to Paid Sticker Shock

Imagine a business management software package offering a free trial to entice new customers to get on board. The free trial is pretty attractive, but it will not last forever. Unfortunately, transitioning from free to paid can result in considerable sticker shock – especially with the per user pricing model.

Some developers charge for each individual user. Others charge for groups. In other words, there is one fee for up to ten users, a higher fee for 11-25 users, and still higher fees at larger increments. A company with a significant number of employees could be shocked at receipt of the first month’s bill. That is not good.

Pitfall #2: Users Aren’t Always Static

There is also the matter of short-term users. To be blunt, users are not always static. The number of active users could change from month to month for a variety of reasons. That only muddies the water and makes understanding billing that much more difficult.

Per-user pricing doesn’t always work well for businesses that bring in seasonal workers. It does not work so well in industries with higher turnover rates. Whenever users are not static over long periods of time, per user pricing faces the risk of becoming unnecessarily complicated.

Pitfall #3: It Can Limit Growth

The first two pitfalls pertain to SaaS clients. The next one, limiting growth, applies to software developers. The per user pricing model can limit growth by scaring clients away. On the other hand, flat rate pricing often seems more attractive for the simple fact that clients always know what they will pay from one month to the next, one quarter to the next, etc.

One could argue that a client’s growth should lead to new hiring which, in turn, should mean more users. That would contribute to a developer’s growth via more users generating more revenue. But unfortunately, clients tend to see the bottom-line price. As their subscription rates rise, they get fidgety. They start looking around for new software if rates get too high. The developer’s growth could be stunted if too many clients jump ship.

Pitfall #4: Tying Pricing to Features

It is not uncommon for SaaS providers to offer multiple tiers in their per user pricing schemes. In order to encourage customers to sign up for a higher tier, they tie pricing to features. The more you pay, the more features you get. That doesn’t sit well with us.

We suspect it doesn’t sit well with customers, either. Why? Because of the tendency among software developers to withhold the most crucial features unless customers are willing to sign up for the top tier.

Per user pricing has its place. In fact, some software companies thrive on it. But when it comes to custom software for small businesses, we believe allowing customers unlimited users is the better way to go. Our goal is to build software that works for clients instead of requiring them to adapt to our business model. Contact us today for your custom software solution.