Harnessing Custom Business Software to Drive Innovation | Modest Software Development

Harnessing Custom Business Software to Drive Innovation

Modern companies are not afraid to tell their customers just how innovative they are. Meanwhile, management routinely talks about innovation during team meetings, collaboration sessions, and training sessions. Here at Modest, we believe in innovation, too. So much so that we also believe companies can harness custom business software to drive their innovation.

Software is part and parcel of modern business. No one does paper anymore. Everything is electronic, digital, and computer based. Therefore, business software forms the foundation of everything a company does. A company trying to be innovative without software capable of supporting innovation is not going to get far.

Off-the-Shelf vs. Custom Business Software

The developers behind off-the-shelf business software do their best to innovate. Yet off-the-shelf software has one major flaw: it is designed to appeal to the broadest possible customer base. That might be good for them in the sense of being able to sell a lot of licenses, but it is not good for their customers.

Custom software goes way beyond automation. It goes beyond the basics like connectivity, file sharing, and group collaboration spaces. Custom business software is designed to solve very specific problems – with direct solutions rather than workarounds. It can be designed to capture unique data points or give a company an edge over its competitors with features not found in off-the-shelf solutions.

A Tailored Solution

By its nature, custom business software is a tailored solution. We take that concept one step further by making it our business to learn and understand yours. We take the tailored solution concept to its logical conclusion by designing software around how your company does business. You tell us what you do and how you do it; we create software to make it happen.

A big advantage of tailoring each solution to the customer is winding up with a package that contains only the required features and nothing more. You are not saddled with bloated software loaded with features you will never use. You also don’t have to find workarounds for missing features.

Automation and Data Capture

Business management software is made better when automation is built in. Let’s face it, there are some routine and basic business tasks that don’t really require human intervention. They can be automated through a custom business software solution. Automation frees employees to do more important things. Your team has more time to innovate because it is not spending time on mundane tasks.

Along with automation is customized data capture. This is where some of the most exciting innovations are born. We write software that can capture as little or as much data as you want. You and your management team can then figure out how to use that data to the company’s advantage. You supply the metrics; we will find a way to capture them in your business software.

You Maintain Control

The secret to using business software to drive innovation is maintaining control over the software environment. Rather than your company’s business software being in control, you and your team members are running the show. You use your custom business software as a tool for doing whatever it is you do best. And because the software is customized to your current workflow and practices, it pushes you forward rather than pulling you back.

Innovation is critical to moving forward in modern business. If your company is lacking in innovation, could it be that your business software is holding you back? The possibility is worth considering. In the meantime, reach out to Modest and let us show you how custom business software can help drive innovation within your company.

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